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Best practices for developing with ASP.NET Core

Here are some best practices for developing ASP.NET Core applications:

Use Dependency Injection (DI): ASP.NET Core has built-in DI support that makes it easy to manage dependencies. By using DI, you can decouple your components and make your code more testable.

Use Configuration Files: Store your application's configuration settings in configuration files rather than hard-coding them in your code. This makes it easy to change settings without modifying code.

Use Middleware: Middleware is a key feature of ASP.NET Core that allows you to add behavior to the request pipeline. Use middleware to add cross-cutting concerns like logging, authentication, and caching.

Use Strongly Typed Models: Use strongly typed models to pass data between your application and the view. This makes it more easier to catch errors at compile-time rather than runtime.

Use Asynchronous Programming: Asynchronous programming can improve the scalability and responsiveness of your application. Use async/await to write asynchronous code.

Use Razor Views: Use Razor views to generate HTML. Razor views provide a clean syntax and are easy to maintain.

Use Attribute Routing: Use attribute routing to define your routes. This makes it easy to see the routes that your application supports.

Use Action Filters: Use action filters to add behavior to your actions. Action filters can be used to implement caching, logging, or authorization.

Use a Logging Framework: Use a logging framework like Serilog or NLog to log information about your application. This makes it easier to troubleshoot issues in production.

Use Unit Testing: Write unit tests for your application. Unit tests can help you catch issues early in the development process and make your code more maintainable.

By following these best practices, you can write maintainable, scalable, and robust ASP.NET Core applications.

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