In this article, we learn about SQL Server dates functions and using these functions calculate the day's difference between two dates. Most useful functions when we develop applications database like timeline schedulers, appointment applications, etc.
Tested Example with source code:
DECLARE @StartDate datetime='2020-06-26 00:00:00.000'; DECLARE @EndDate datetime='2020-06-28 00:00:00.000'; DECLARE @DaysCount int=DATEDIFF(day,@StartDate,@EndDate)+1; print @DaysCount DECLARE @Holidays int=0; DECLARE @Cnt int=0; WHILE @Cnt<@DaysCount BEGIN IF DATENAME(WEEKDAY, @StartDate) IN ('Sunday') BEGIN SET @Holidays=@Holidays+1 END; SET @Cnt=@Cnt+1; END; print @Holidays;
SQL Server function for calculating days between two dates:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[GetDateRangeHolidays](@StartDate datetime,@EndDate datetime) RETURNS int AS BEGIN DECLARE @DaysCount int=DATEDIFF(day,@StartDate,@EndDate)+1; DECLARE @Holidays int=0; DECLARE @Cnt int=0; WHILE @Cnt<@DaysCount BEGIN IF DATENAME(WEEKDAY, @StartDate+@Cnt) IN ('Sunday') BEGIN SET @Holidays=@Holidays+1 END; SET @Cnt=@Cnt+1; END; RETURN ISNULL(@Holidays,0); END;
Call function for test calculating days between two dates:
DECLARE @StartDate datetime='2020-06-20 00:00:00.000'; DECLARE @EndDate datetime='2020-06-28 00:00:00.000'; SELECT dbo.GetDateRangeHolidays(@StartDate,@EndDate);
Timeline Scheduler Example: